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All Cosmic Bodies,

From Meteorites to Stars,

Are Actually Cousins

© 2024 Norman Sperling

For the first time, you can understand the Solar System as a family of cousins, not a sideshow of freaks.  

Space Age research reveals that stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and meteorites each clumped from a cold nebula … heated … stirred … and banged around.  Each clump’s mass determined how hot it got; closeness to the Sun helped.  Each clump’s peak core temperature determined what processes it went through, its inside and surface structure, and how it looks now.  Mass + Heat → Destiny.  

Novel breakthrough!  Graphing mass versus heat reveals sensible relationships and categories, which I color-coded.  I converted mass measurements from “Earths” and “Suns” to kilograms.  I sought best estimates of core temperature, since that’s not yet measured directly.

From least massive to most: 

Purple: Chips land on Earth as meteorites.

Blue: Comets have surface ices, no matter what’s beneath. 

Orange: Asteroids and small moons hold uneven shapes.

Green: Solid spheres pull themselves round.

Yellow [brown in the paper pasteup placeholder]: Substars can’t fuse hydrogen.

Red: but Stars do.

The antique term “planets” overlaps the largest solid spheres and the smallest substars.

Pictured: Paper pasteup placeholder. Artwork in progress.

This colorful graph will come in 2 versions:

• A free single-page download .pdf, 978-0913399-41-5

• And a glorious 24 x 36-inch poster, almost 10 times bigger, with thrilling photos of the bodies in space, and telling richer explanations and background.  978-0913399-42-2.  Buy the enriched poster version soon.

Great for the science-literate public, especially astronomers, educators, hobbyists, past and present astronomy students, planetaria, model solar systems, and more.

Advantages Over Antiquated Heritage Categories



✅ Free

✅ ✅ Plots all bodies on the same scales

✅ ✅ Unifies everything to the Metric System

✅   ✅ Mass and temperature mark off categories

✅ ✅ Color coded classes: stars are red, ices are blue

✅ ✅ Doesn’t force gases and solids into the same category

✅ ✅ Plain-English concepts evade technical terms

✅ ✅ Shows that layering by density is a major process

✅ ✅ Clarifies most meteorites as fragments of asteroids

✅ Glorious images of heavenly bodies

✅ Exposes Heritage categories’ flimsy standards

✅ Enriched explanations

✅ Shows that heat and pressure strengthen solids

✅ Nature’s narrow criteria for volcanoes and tectonics

✅ Chart: where elements come from

Advantages Over the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

✅ ✅ Stars relate to planets, comets, asteroids

✅ ✅ Temperature increases to the right, not the left

✅ ✅ Core temperature is more important than surface’s

✅ ✅ Mass is much more fundamental than luminosity

✅ ✅ Undistracted by “magnitude’s” backward 5th-root-of-100 ratio

✅ ✅ Stars evolve straight right, not helter-skelter

  points to ✅ Where neutron stars fit

The Free Single-Page version will be a downloadable .pdf.  We invite and permit people who do, teach, study, communicate, or facilitate Science to copy that version for free, if credited to “© 2024 Norman Sperling, All rights reserved.”  All other users and uses:  request from